Try out these delicious mango recipes for kids according to their age

Mangoes are a favourite fruit for everybody, including babies, toddlers, teens and adults alike. This seasonal fruit is packed with taste and nutrition and can be given to kids in myriad ways. Nutritional value of mangoes consist of good amounts of healthy calories, vitamins A, C, certain antioxidants, and good fiber. And so, it makes complete sense to eat mangoes at every stage of your life – from being an infant to an adult. For moms, getting their children to eat nutritious food may be a task. So let us suggest some mango recipes for kids.

Benefits of mangoes

Calories in mangoes can be energy-giving for growing kids and makes for a good meal or snack idea. Vitamin A prevents infections and builds immunity. Vitamin C helps in maintaining healthy skin and gum health. Antioxidants found in mangoes help maintain immunity, gut, skin and eye health too.  Fiber helps combat constipation in kids and also ensures regular bowel movements.

Here are a few mango recipes for kids

1. For children who are 7-8 months old

Mango puree or mash

  • Take well ripened mangoes and smash well, blend it if the baby is still on purees.
  • Serve about 45-50 grams at one sitting.
  • Can be combined with avocado or banana or even cooked carrot or rice for variety in texture and flavor at this age.
  • Cold soft fruit pieces of mango helps during teething too as they are tasty and soothing all at once.

2. For children who are 9-12 months

Mango smoothie

  • Use 50 ml of curd and 50 grams mango pulp
  • Blend them and serve in a straw cup or with a spoon. If thick enough, it helps sensory development to take place by allowing them to scoop it up with their hands and eat. It might get messy, but learning is fun for them.
  • To this above mixture, you can even add any one type of nut powder of choice to add extra calories and texture.
mango for babies
It’s always a good time to relish mangoes. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

Also, read: 5 benefits of mango seeds that’ll make you regret throwing it

3. If your child is 1 year and above… even an adult!

Mango rice kheer

  • Make rice kheer the normal way with cow’s milk in a pan. Add jaggery or date syrup to slightly sweeten.
  • And chunks of mangoes in the end, mix well and top it up with powdered nuts on top as garnish.

Mango yogurt with dry fruit or berry bark

  • Take a baking tin/tray and spread yogurt as a thick sheet on the tray, add finely chopped mangoes and sprinkle powdered dry fruits and nuts or fresh berries.
  • Freeze the tin for 4-6 hours until the tray content/bark is set solid.
  • Serve tiny pieces as a cold treat to your little one. A cool snack, which is easy to have on the move.

Overnight mango chia oatmeal

  • Make oats porridge in milk of choice. Take 2 tablespoon oats in 100 ml milk approximately. Stir until cooked well.
  • Fill a mason jar with the above cooled porridge, add 1 teaspoon pre-soaked chia seeds, top with 50 grams of mango. Refrigerate and use the next day as a delicious breakfast option.
  • You can add more fruits to make it more visually appealing too.

Mango chaat

Mango for babies
Babies can enjoy mangoes. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
  • Take a  bowl with 50 grams makhana, 2 tablespoon crushed peanuts, 50 grams puffed rice, cucumber, tomato, mango and onion mixed [all put together 50-100 grams] and mix well.
  • Add a dash of lemon, salt and pepper and your colorful chat is ready for the kids. Packed with flavor, taste and crunch, this one is sure to be a hit at home.

Mango kulfi

  • Combine boiled cooled full cream milk, dry fruits, jaggery, mango puree and elaichi powder [a pinch] into a blender.
  • Pour mixture into kulfi or popsicle molds, set overnight and it’s ready to be relished by all at home the next day.

Dive into these simple yet delicious ideas with mangoes, as the season’s almost ending. 

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