Hair loss to dandruff: Let benefits of flaxseed oil fix your hair problems

Flaxseeds or alsi are known to be great for weight loss. They have been recommended by dietitians for quite some time now. But in recent times, proven benefits of flaxseed oil for hair growth have also come to light.

To find out more about this oil, Health Shots reached out to a renowned dermatologist, Dr Chiranjiv Chhabra.

Flaxseed oil, also known as flax oil or linseed oil, is acquired from ripened and dried seeds of the flax plant. The oil is naturally colorless or with a yellowish tint. It is customarily extracted by pressing, sometimes followed by solvent extraction.

Here is why flaxseed oil is great for hair:

1. Say goodbye to hair loss

Massaging flaxseed oil into damaged or brittle hair can be a game-changer. “Flaxseed oil contains vitamin E, which promotes the growth of new hair and treats hair loss. Strong antioxidants like lignans can aid to regrow healthier and stronger tresses. Abundant in protein and selenium, the oil aids in growing voluminous and lustrous locks,” says Dr Chhabra.

flax seed oil for Hair loss
No more hair loss with flaxseed oil! Image courtesy: Shutterstock

2. No more dandruff flakes

Applying flaxseed oil topically reduces dandruff by nourishing the scalp from the inside out and preventing flaking. Dr Chhabra explains that “flaxseed oil is filled with anti-inflammatory ingredients and hence it has the potential to counter harmful bacteria and keep dandruff at bay”.

flaxseed oil
Apply flaxseed oil and never see dandruff on your scalp! Image courtesy: Shutterstock

3. Good for hair growth

Using flaxseed oil for your hair promotes their growth and results in longer and stronger hair in less time. “Being an arsenal of all things good, the oil is rich in alpha-linolenic acid, an essential omega-3 fatty acid, which is a must for normal human growth and development,” says Dr Chhabra.

flaxseed hair oil
Flaxseed can give you shiny and long tresses. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

Flaxseeds are not only good for hair care, they are also great for reducing weight and for skin care. “Flaxseed oil can calm atopic dermatitis, a skin condition commonly called eczema. It also reduces the appearance of fine lines and other ageing signs. Flaxseed oil brightens and lightens the complexion. Since it has powerful antioxidants, it protects the skin from sun damage and pollution too,” says Dr Chhabra.

Things to keep in mind before you start using flaxseed oil, as suggested by Dr Chhabra:

● Flaxseed oil is sensitive to light and heat, so it is best to buy the one available in an opaque or dark glass bottle to shield it from the light. Always store it in a cool, dark place.
● You can easily supplant the regular oil in salad dressings, sauces, and dips with flaxseed oil.
● Another great way to include it to your breakfast regime is to add it in your smoothie or shake.
● It is best to avoid using flaxseed oil as the cooking oil as it does not have a high smoke point, a qualifying factor for oils to be up to the mark for cooking purpose.
● If you are a fussy eater or are hesitant in introducing flaxseed oil to your diet, you can take it as a supplement in capsule form. But before you do so, know that consulting your doctor is always a good idea.

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