Here are 4 ways to end an argument for the sake of your mental peace

Arguments are a tiring way of putting your point across. It is important to communicate when you are upset with someone but when they turn into screaming matches it is better to put an end to it for the sake of your mental peace. Let’s check out some ways that can help you end an argument.

Every individual is different in the way they think and perceive things and hence, it is very normal for two people with different opinions to get into an argument. But these arguments can be mentally taxing if they are made a habit of, especially if these arguments are with your loved ones.

ways to end an argument
Having arguments with a loved one is stressful. Image curtsy: Shutterstock

Also read: 5 ways to cool down your anger during a fight with your partner

When there is conflict, an argument can erupt or escalate and can take a toll on your mental health. Here are a few ways to end an argument, as suggested by Richa Vashista, Chief Mental Health Expert, AtEase, and achieve better mental peace.

How to end an argument?

1. Don’t criticize the person

Saying harsh words to the other person or always criticizing them will no doubt lead to an argument. You need to think before you speak. “During an argument, criticizing a person is different from offering a critique or voicing a complaint. If you frequently find yourself using criticism, you can instead try to stick to the situation while having a conversation or argument rather than drawing focus on the person as a whole,” says Vashista.

how to argue effectively
Know how to effectively put across your disappointment without arguing. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

2. Try to focus on the positives

“Conflicts mostly tend to give rise to contempt. Contempt is a state in which you assume a position of moral superiority over the other person. You may treat others with disrespect, mock them with sarcasm, ridicule them, call them names, and mimic or use body language such as eye-rolling or scoffing,” says Vashista. She suggests that if you feel a sense of contempt, try to pause during an argument or conversation and remind yourself about the positive qualities of the person in front of you. This helps to reduce the feeling of contempt towards the other individual.

Try to focus on the positives of the person. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

3. Don’t get defensive

The mental health expert says, “At times, when we feel unfairly accused, we look for excuses and play the victim to avoid taking the blame. Someone who is defensive may try to reverse the blame in an attempt to make it the other person’s fault.” She suggests that during such situations, try to use a non-defensive response and express acceptance of responsibility, admission of fault, and understanding of others’ perspectives.

4. Silent treatment is not the way

Often, arguments lead to an individual in the argument receiving the silent treatment. This occurs when one of the individuals withdraws from the interaction, shuts down, and simply stops responding. “If you feel that you are receiving silent treatment during a conflict, stop the discussion and ask the person to take a break,” says Vashista.



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